Legal Notice
Biotop 3000
Ronald Kolb, Volker Schartner
Forststraße 188, 70193 Stuttgart, +49.711.6756175
While Biotop 3000 GbR strives toward accuracy in the information presented on this website, errors and ambiguities cannot be entirely avoided. Biotop 3000 GbR therefore assumes no liability for the accuracy or quality of published information. Biotop 3000 GbR also assumes no liability for material or immaterial damages immediately or secondarily incurred through the use or non-use of the information or through the use of erroneous or incomplete information insofar as no deliberate or grossly negligent default is demonstrable. Biotop 3000 GbR reserves the right to modify, expand, or temporarily or permanently remove portions of or the complete range of Internet publications.
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